Are you looking for a breastfeeding class before baby arrives? Good news. I have a class scheduled for September 4th at Groovy Mama. See more info.
Are you looking for some more immediate breastfeeding help? Sore, cracked bleeding nipples? Trouble with positioning and latch? Having concerns about infant weight or milk supply? These are all common reasons to book a one-on-one consult.
Are you wanting to make the most of the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding and have consistent support along the way? I have a package just for you!
You want to call an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant when you...
...need help with getting baby latched
...suspected a tongue tie or lip tie
...have sore nipples or sore breasts
...think you do not have enough breastmilk
...have frequent, long feedings
...have frequent, short feedings
...have white, beveled, creased nipples and shooting pains
...see reflux, infant gas, colic behaviour in baby
...have frequent blocked ducts and blebs
...are managing jaundice
...are managing blood sugar regulation
...have gestational diabetes
...have PCOS
...conceived after infertility
...have other known health conditions
...are struggling with weight gain issues
...are experiencing anything YOU are worried about, even if no one else is