Do you remember that time I told you to throw away the Lanolin? (You’re welcome) I am here again suggesting you keep again breastfeeding old faithful on the shelf! At bare minimum before taking fenugreek to help an unsteady to low supply, keep that bottle of fenugreek sealed until some further investigation as to why you might need something to boost supply is started. We are starting to learn that fenugreek may not actually even help a supply but it can actually be quite harmful for many mothers who are struggling with a low supply, depending on why the supply is low. The very reason supply one mothers supply is low can be a contraindication for use of fenugreek on its own. For your own safety, you need to know the reason for the low supply, before taking fenugreek. Of particular awareness would be mothers with thyroid concerns, PCOS, IGT, diabetes, insulin resistant type health concerns. Women who have just had babies may not aware of or have an official diagnosis because until that time they have been mostly healthy. Sometimes it is not until the stress of a pregnancy and birth and early postpartum has an impact on the body that women start to feel unwell. And they might not even feel unwell, but just not be making a full supply. Producing milk is not a necessary part of living, so if the body has stressors then often production is suppressed. Breastfeeding is a time in life where a mother needs to take care of herself in order to be able to take care of the baby.
I think “breastfeeding issues” are sometimes breastfeeding issues but I also think that often time struggling with breastfeeding is just a symptom of something else. Paying attention to your supply as an indiction of something else, might actually help you understand more about your body and its personal needs. This is not to say there are not good herbal options for supply, because there are. It is matter of knowing what is happening with your supply and your body, your own unique challenges and having a health history taken or worked up, so that the right herbal for each individual can be chosen/suggested. It might just be fenugreek for you. But, there is a good chance there is something better. I will also add that many mothers experience upset stomach, gassiness, loose stools, diarrhea, dehydration, low blood sugar & unpleasant body odour when taking fenugreek. Baby may also show similar symptoms. |
Kim Smith